Kindle eBooks > Professional & Technical > Technology & Engineering > Industrial Design  

Monthly median sales (top 30)
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Self published

Matching KDP categories

nonfiction > technology & engineering > industrial design > general
nonfiction > technology & engineering > technical writing
nonfiction > technology & engineering > general

Best selling keywords  

Median title & subtitle length is 10 words:

  • Human Factors Methods: A Practical Guide for Engineering and Design
  • INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love (Silicon Valley Product Group)
  • Transformed: Moving to the Product Operating Model (Silicon Valley Product Group)
  • Making It Second Edition: Manufacturing Techniques for Product Design
  • Small Inventions That Made a Big Difference
  • Indie success
  • 20%
  • Volatility
  • 100%
  • New releases
  • 6.25%
  • KDP Select
  • 10%

Extract of the best seller list's front page


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>Cliff Kuang



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>Neville A. Stanton



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>Robert Bridger



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>James R. Chiles



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>Robin Li



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>Henry Petroski


Front-page bestsellers:

  Book title Author Publisher Absolute rank Monthly sales volume Price Amazon stars Amazon reviews
1   User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design are Changing the Way We Live, Work & Play Cliff Kuang Self published N/A £223 £7.99 534
2   Human Factors Methods: A Practical Guide for Engineering and Design Neville A. Stanton Self published N/A £1,556 £55.59 31
3   Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics Robert Bridger Self published N/A £2,172 £77.59 58
4   INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love (Silicon Valley Product Group) Marty Cagan Self published N/A £503 £17.99 5,407
5   Transformed: Moving to the Product Operating Model (Silicon Valley Product Group) Marty Cagan Wiley; 1st edition 22,798 £554 £19.81 51
6   Making It Second Edition: Manufacturing Techniques for Product Design Chris Lefteri Laurence King Publishing; 2nd ed. edition 95,426 £83 £2.99 128
7   Small Inventions That Made a Big Difference Helen Pilcher Welbeck 123,566 £83 £2.99 31
8   Do Quality Differently: The Playbook for Creating More Success in Biopharma (or any) Manufacturing Clifford Berry Berry & Wilson 126,349 £220 £7.86 12
9   507 Mechanical Movements: Mechanisms and Devices (Dover Science Books) Henry T. Brown Dover Publications; 1st edition 130,109 £106 £3.79 1,138
10   The Laws of Simplicity (Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life) John Maeda The MIT Press 157,906 £344 £12.32 483
11   Fusion 360 for Makers Lydia Sloan Cline Make Community, LLC; 2nd edition 211,966 £503 £17.99 151
12   Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products Leander Kahney Penguin 229,153 £223 £7.99 1,120
13   Autodesk Fusion 360 Exercises - Learn by Practicing (2023-24): Design 100 Real-World 3D Models by Practicing CADArtifex CADArtifex; 1st edition 229,924 £227 £8.13 1
14   The Jobs To Be Done Playbook: Align Your Markets, Organization, and Strategy Around Customer Needs Jim Kalbach Two Waves Books; 1st edition 246,695 £783 £27.99 349
15   Prototyping and Modelmaking for Product Design: Second Edition (Portfolio Skills) Bjarki Hallgrimsson Laurence King Publishing; 1st edition 248,741 £83 £2.99 84

Recurrent ideas in the top 30 books: