Books > Business, Finance & Law > Economics > International Economics > Trade  

Monthly median sales (top 30)
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New releases
Self published

Matching KDP categories

nonfiction > business & economics > international > economics
nonfiction > business & economics > finance > general
nonfiction > business & economics > economics > general

Best selling keywords  

Median title & subtitle length is 11 words:

  • Bad Buying: How organisations waste billions through failures, frauds and f*ck-ups
  • Confronting South Korea's Next Crisis: Rigidities, Polarization, and Fear of Japanification
  • The World for Sale: Money, Power and the Traders Who Barter the Earth’s Resources
  • The Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India Company
  • China and Israel: Chinese, Jews; Beijing, Jerusalem (1890-2018) (Jewish Identities in Post-Modern Society)
  • Indie success
  • 15%
  • Volatility
  • 100%
  • New releases
  • 17.65%
  • KDP Select
  • 3.45%

Extract of the best seller list's front page


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>Peter Smith



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>Jaejoon Woo



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>Javier Blas



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>Philip Parker



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>Mara P. Squicciarini



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>George Soros


Front-page bestsellers:

  Book title Author Publisher Absolute rank Monthly sales volume Price Amazon stars Amazon reviews
1   Bad Buying: How organisations waste billions through failures, frauds and f*ck-ups Peter Smith Self published N/A £345 £12.34 111
2   Confronting South Korea's Next Crisis: Rigidities, Polarization, and Fear of Japanification Jaejoon Woo Self published N/A £2,271 £81.13 0
3   The World for Sale: Money, Power and the Traders Who Barter the Earth’s Resources Javier Blas Penguin; Heruitgave edition 2,191 £3,963 £10.11 2,619
4   The Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India Company William Dalrymple Bloomsbury Publishing; 1st edition 4,107 £2,342 £11.95 7,653
5   The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger, Second Edition with a new chapter by the author Marc Levinson Princeton University Press; 2nd edition 14,545 £903 £16.13 1,001
6   The Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India Company William Dalrymple Bloomsbury Publishing; 1st edition 24,066 £197 £7.07 7,653
7   The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Klaus Schwab Klaus Schwab Portfolio Penguin; 1st edition 28,752 £327 £11.69 2,012
8   Getting Started in Technical Analysis: 19 Jack D. Schwager Wiley; 1st edition 37,933 £461 £16.49 777
9   How Africa Trades David Luke LSE Press 50,479 £503 £17.99 0
10   The Roman Empire and the Silk Routes: The Ancient World Economy & the Empires of Parthia, Central Asia & Han China Raoul McLaughlin Pen & Sword History 53,519 £139 £4.99 575
11   China and Israel: Chinese, Jews; Beijing, Jerusalem (1890-2018) (Jewish Identities in Post-Modern Society) Aron Shai (author) Academic Studies Press 57,576 £611 £21.83 1
12   A World Safe for Commerce: American Foreign Policy from the Revolution to the Rise of China: 209 (Princeton Studies in International History and Politics, 209) Dale C. Copeland Princeton University Press 79,730 £895 £31.98 1
13   The Global Merchants: The Enterprise and Extravagance of the Sassoon Dynasty Joseph Sassoon Penguin; 1st edition 101,473 £369 £13.19 55
14   International Monetary Cooperation – Lessons from the Plaza Accord after Thirty Years C. Fred Bergsten Peterson Institute for International Economics 101,723 £475 £16.99 4
15   The Honourable Company: A History of the English East India Company John Keay Prentice Hall & IBD; Reprint edition 125,094 £551 £19.69 501

Recurrent ideas in the top 30 books: